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What to Do With Market Volatility Thumbnail

What to Do With Market Volatility

As markets experience turmoil and volatility due to concerns surrounding the coronavirus it is important to take a step back and look at the big picture.  Looking at the past global health crises from the 1990s to present, in most occasions the equity markets were positive within the 6 months after. (1) 

What should you do?  

You should stay the course, remain calm, and stick with the plan for your long term goals.  

Commitment to your Financial Plan

Making decisions based upon short term headlines can be damaging to your long term goals. Stretches of high market volatility are part of the investing experience.  Working with Future Financial and having a well-planned and diversified portfolio allows you to handle these events and rest better at night.   Stay calm and if you are still concerned about the safety of your investments reach out to us to and we can schedule a time to review your plan.

Our job is to both actively monitor your portfolio and to help guide you through these difficult times.   We are always available to discuss any concerns you have on the markets or your portfolio.  






Sources: (1) Source Morningstar Direct.

This content is developed from sources believed to be providing accurate information, and provided by Future Financial. The opinions expressed and material provided are for general information, and should not be considered a solicitation for the purchase or sale of any security.